Thursday, May 27, 2004

School Official Rips Girl's Insulin Pump off her Body! Insane!!!

Diabetes News - American Diabetes Association

There is so much in the world to get angry over! It's a wonder I can even function sometimes with all this injustice roaming around in my brain. No wonder I'm in a bad mood so often...and one of the morons I work with doesn't believe in watching the news because it's "just so negative - I surround my self with only positive things". EEWWWEEE! That's really nice if you want your little preconceived world to revolve only around you, but there are, unfortunately, a lot of other folks in the universe. Hey, maybe you might want to know what's going on with them?????? It just infuriates me!

Anyway, about this poor girl with the insulin pump...HOW DARE THIS JERK THINK HE CAN RIP IT FROM HER BODY AND DEPRIVE HER OF THE INSULIN THAT SHE NEEDS TO ***LIVE****???? People are just amazing. He thought it was a beeper. How many beepers have you seen that hold a syringe and have tubing that goes into the abdomen. He needs to be fired! Was he? Of COURSE NOT!!!

My husband has been a diabetic since he was 4 (that's 45 years, folks). He wasn't lucky enough to have devices like this when he was younger, and because of that he might live a shorter, more complication invovling life. It's insane to me that, in this day and age when great things like insulin pumps exist, that a power crazed school official can reduce this girl's insulin delivery back to shots. I'm so angry!!

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

MSNBC - Gore calls for Rice,RumsfeldTenet to resign

MSNBC - Gore calls for Rice,RumsfeldTenet to resignI couldn't possibly agree with Al Gore any more than I do now! Unfortunately, you can demand it all you want. They aren't going to leave. They have no morals, no scruples, no shame...and are full of arrogance, gaul, egocentrism, and hate.

MSNBC - Amnesty blasts U.S.-led war on terror

MSNBC - Amnesty blasts U.S.-led war on terror

Everyone should read this article!! The best quote from Amnesty International is: "The global security agenda promoted by the U.S. administration is bankrupt of vision and bereft of principle,” Khan said in a statement. “Violating rights at home, turning a blind eye to abuses abroad, and using pre-emptive military force where and when it chooses have damaged justice and freedom, and made the world a more dangerous place.”

Monday, May 24, 2004

MSNBC - Videotape shows revelers at celebration

MSNBC - Videotape shows revelers at celebration

How much more proof do we need that this was a wedding??? I am so angry, so ashamed of our country's invasion of Iraq! I feel so helpless...I don't know how we are ever going to resolve this mess that our idiotic president has gotten us into.

Thursday, May 20, 2004

MSNBC - USDA violated its beef ban

MSNBC - USDA violated its beef ban: "'I think they've been irresponsible,' Bullard said. 'I think they have unnecessarily placed the U.S. cattle industry and consumers at risk.'"

Does everyone in government lie? I mean, Canadian meat's not all that dangerous, statistically, but there was supposed to be a ban! You can't trust any governmental agency, apparently. I'm glad I almost never eat meat. If you do, here's what you should and shouldn't eat:

Mad cow disease, also known as bovine spongiform encephalopathy, is believed to be concentrated in the brain and central nervous system, and meat closer to those tissues is considered to be at highest risk. The least hazardous cuts are believed to be boneless ones containing only muscle. Bone-in cuts and ground beef are considered more hazardous.

Pictures of abused detainees 'taken for fun' - MAY 17, 2004

Pictures of abused detainees 'taken for fun' - MAY 17, 2004

What's wrong with this person?? How can she think that what was done to the detainees was not extreme? I don't understand the world these days...all that money going to a war that should never have been started for reasons that weren't true, while people in the US don't have health insurance or access to health care. I don't get it...